Newcomers Meeting 3/10/2024

Tattoo Circus Helsinki Newcomers Meeting on 3/10/2024 at 6pm. Museum of Impossible Forms, Aallonhalkoja 9 L1, Sompasaari.

Join our organizing crew!

Do you want to help political prisoners? Support anarchist, animal rights, and queer liberation movements? Abolish prisons and put an end to state repression? Tattoo Circus Helsinki Collective is looking for individuals who would want to join our organising crew.

We meet every other week for months in advance to plan the weekend-long event. Our meetings are held mainly in English.

No major skills are required, just time and willingness to take part in most meetings, set up for the event and helping around during the Tattoo Circus.

Whether you have previous experience or not, interest and openness towards things like event organization, tattoos, graphic design, performance art, queer culture, liberation movements, and anti-repression is helpful!

Tattoo Circus Helsinki newcomers meeting on 03/10/2024 at 6pm.

Museum of Impossible Forms
Aallonhalkoja 9 L1, 00540

The venue is located 900m (10min walk) from Kalasatama Metro Station in the direction of Sompasaari. The nearest bus stop serves line 52 from Redi Itäväylä and leaves you 80m from the door.

The space is at ground level, free from accessibility thresholds, and has an accessible toilet.

Museum of Impossible Form on Google maps.









Program published / Ohjelma julkaistu

Check out our program for the weekend! Panel talks, photo exhibition, music, bingo, solidarity talks with Palestine, Ukraine and Iran, political prisoner updates, cakes. And of course a weekend full of tattoos! Book your tattoo appointment and come enjoy your stay at Oranssi all weekend long! Stay tuned for more program and program descriptions that will be dropping along the week ~

Tsekkaa viikonlopun ohjelma! Paneelikeskusteluja, solidaarisuuspuheita Palestiinasta, Ukrainasta ja Iranista, valokuvanäyttely, bingo, kakkuja, musaa, päivitystä poliittisten vankien tilanteesta maailmalla. Eikä pidä unohtaa viikonlopun täydeltä tatuointeja! Varaa tatska-aikasi ja tule viihtymään Oranssille koko viikonlopuksi. Lisää ohjelmanumeroita ja -kuvauksia seuraa viikon aikana ~

Tervetuloa Tattoo Circus Helsinkiin 11.–13.11.2022
Tattoo Circus Helsinki on vankiloiden vastainen solidaarisuustapahtuma, jolla tuetaan poliittisia vankeja tatuointien ja vankitukitoiminnan keinoin.  Tule ottamaan tatuointi, osallistumaan ohjelmaan ja tapaamaan ihmis! Paikanpäällä myös distroja!
Tapahtuma järjestetään Oranssilla Suvilahdessa (Kaasutehtaankatu 1, rakennus 11).
Lisätietoja tapahtumasta, ohjelma sekä tietoa tatuoijista:
Solidaarisuus on aseemme!
Welcome to Tattoo Circus Helsinki 11.–13.11.2022
Tattoo Circus Helsinki is a solidarity event which opposes prisons and supports political prisoners by the means of tattoos and prisoner support. Come and take a tattoo, participate in the program and meet people! There will be distros as well!
The event is happening at Oranssi in Suvilahti (Kaasutehtaankatu 1, building 11).
More info, program and info about the tattooers: and social media! Solidarity is our weapon!

Prisoner support in the US: links & resources

The holidays are coming, don’t forget to support prisoners in these dark times! Below, you’ll find some links to Books to Prisoners projects, Mutual Aid, and other prisoner support resources in the US. Stay tuned for more links to campaigns and resources.
Solidarity is our weapon!
Illustration: Panopticons (2019), with text: Solidarity is our weapon - against all prisons.

Books to Prisoners

Break down barriers of isolation with the gift of a book: Here are two websites, both supporting US-prisoners.
The website first states that they are not taking donations, but if you look a bit further they are taking web-based donations and are still sending books to prisoners. Based in Seattle. Running since 1973.
Sends books in and around Pennsylvania and surrounding states. While still working to send books to prisoners, they were able to raise 20k a few months ago to support those affected by incarceration and COVID-19!

Other Ways to Support

Covid is ransacking the US, especially in prisons. Here are some resources:
Prisoner Support Guide for the Coronavirus Crisis:
Very useful if you are already in touch with someone in prison, as well as if you want to begin to support someone!

Mutual Aid & Other Resources

Law centers in the US:


Tattoo Circus 2020 poster: Solidarity is our weapon. Chained hands, green on blue print.
ORANSSI ry, Suvilahti
KAASUTEHTAANKATU 1, Building / rakennus #11


In English ↓    |    suomeksi ↓↓



Tattoo Circus is an annual, 3-day-long tattoo fair and abolitionist solidarity event.

All profits from tattoos and other fundraising during the event go directly to anti-repression work and supporting antiauthoritarian political prisoners.

Tattoo Circus Helsinki gathers an amazing and talented line-up of tattoo artists, from near and far, who contribute their time, work, and skills to this cause. In addition, this event is made possible with the generous help and contributions from many other volunteering artists, performers, speakers, collectives, and individuals.

The Prison-Industrial Complex is a culmination of all the multiple forms of oppression which also exist in the rest of society: racism, colonial exploitation, militarization, patriarchy, and capitalist class structures. The nation-state, which up-holds policing and prison systems, is based on the same foundations.

Tattoo Circus Helsinki is not fighting a single-issue struggle: it is an anarchist community event that seeks to inspire and provide space for organizing against oppression, repression, and the Prison-Industrial Complex in all its forms. 

It is our hope that Tattoo Circus Helsinki can be a space for learning about, coming together, and strengthening our solidarity, diversity, mutual-aid, trust, and liberatory practices.





Oranssi has two unisex toilets, one of which is accessible by wheelchair. 

The main floor of Oranssi, where all program and part of the tattooing takes place, is wheelchair accessible. Some tattoo artists will work in an upstairs studio, behind a staircase. If you book your tattoo from an artist in advance and inform them/us about accessibility needs, we can make sure that their workspace is accessible by wheelchair. The booking opens on August 10th.

Visitors and volunteering crew are strongly encouraged to avoid wearing scented products, to minimize the risk of allergic reactions, migraines, and illnesses.



To consider the safety and health of everyone attending, there will be no stage program or socializing in TC2020, apart from tattoo sessions, a handful of distros, and an opportunity to write letters to comrades in prison.

There will be some specific arrangements and safety guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read them through if you plan to get a tattoo.

Taking care of safety precautions, distancing, and not showing up sick is everybody’s common responsibility. Meanwhile, the TC collective is working to further address and minimize the risks at the event. We take the current COVID-19 situation seriously and set precautions respectively. More info will be found on our website and antisocial media channels closer to the event.

As we cannot predict, during these uncertain times, what September will bring and whether international travel is safe, or possible, the 2020 tattoo artist line-up is locally based, with added forces from the nearby city Tampere. Meanwhile, our solidarity reaches beyond national borders, and our struggles remain forever global.



Abolish prisons and the police – towards a more accountable future.

Best Regards, 

Tattoo Circus Helsinki collective






Tattoo Circus Helsinki in vuosittainen tatuointiviikonloppu ja vankiloiden vastainen solid



Kaikki rahat tatuoinneista ja muista tuotoista lahjoitetaan suoraan erilaisiin sorron vastaisiin kamppailuihin ja antiautoritääristen poliittisten vankien tueksi.

Joka vuosi Tattoo Circus Helsinki tuo yhteen joukon upeita ja lahjakkaita tatuoijia, jotka lahjoittavat työnsä ja aikansa tähän tarkoitukseen. Lisäksi tapahtuman mahdollistavat osallistumisellaan lukuisat esiintyjät, taiteilijat, puhujat, kollektiivit ja muut vapaaehtoiset.

Vankilateollisella kompleksilla (the prison industrial complex) tarkoitetaan koko vankeuslaitosta ja siitä hyötyvää järjestelmää. Vankilajärjestelmässä toteutuvat kaikki yhteiskunnallisen sorron muodot: rasismi, kolonialismi, militarisointi, patriarkaatti ja kapitalistiset luokkarakenteet. Poliisilaitosta ja vankilajärjestelmää ylläpitävä kansallisvaltio perustuu samoihin sorron rakenteisiin.


ttoo Circus Helsinki ei ole yhden asian liike: anarkistisena yhteisötapahtumana sen tarkoitus on tarjota tilaa sorron, repression ja vankilajärjestelmän vastustamiselle niiden kaikissa muodoissa.

Toivomme, että Tattoo Circus Helsinki tarjoaa oppimis- ja kohtaamispaikan, jossa solidaarisuuden, moninaisuuden, vastavuoroisen avun, luottamuksen ja vapauden kulttuuri voi kasvaa ja vahvistua.





Oranssilla on kaksi sukupuolittamatonta vessaa, joista toinen on esteetön pyörätuolin käyttäjille.

Oranssin alakerta, jossa kaikki ohjelma ja osa tatuoinnista tapahtuu, on esteetön. Osa tatuoijista työskentelee esteellisissä tiloissa porraskäytävän päässä. Jos varaat ajan tatuoijalle etukäteen ja ilmoitat esteettömyystarpeista, voimme varmistaa tatuoijallesi paikan esteettömästä työtilasta. Varauskirjat aukeavat 10. elokuuta. 

Tapahtumaan osallistujia kehotetaan välttämään hajustettujen tuotteiden käyttämistä ja siten minimoimaan allergisten reaktioiden, migreenien ja sairastumisen riskit.



Kaikkien osallistujien terveyden suojelemiseksi vuoden 2020 Tattoo Circuksessa ei ole tatuointien ja muutaman distron lisäksi ole lava- tai muuta yleisäohjelmaa.

Hygieniaan liittyvät varotoimet, etäisyyden säilyttäminen muihin ja sairastumisriskien minimointi on kaikkien osallistujien yhteinen vastuu. Järjestäjäkolllektiivi pyrkii lisäksi paikantamaan ja minimoimaan tapahtumaan liittyvät tartuntariskit. Suhtaudumme nykyiseen COVID-19-tilanteeseen vakavasti ja teemem erityisjärjestelyjä sen mukaisesti.

COVID-19-pandemian takia tapahtumassa noudatetaan seuraavia turvallisuusohjeita. Lue ne läpi tarkkaan, jos suunnittelet tatskan ottamista.

Koska näinä epävarmoina aikoina emme voi ennustaa syyskuun tilannetta ja sitä, onko ulkomaan matkailu turvallista tai mahdollista, vuonna 2020 tatuoijien kokoonpano koostuu paikallisista artisteista ja Tampereen lisävahvistuksista. Sen sijaan solidaarisuutemme ei katso valtoiden rajoja, ovathan kamppailumme ikuisesti globaaleja.


Alas vankilat ja poliisi kohti vapaata ja vastuullista tulevaisuutta!


Parhain terveisin,

Tattoo Circus Helsinki -kollektiivi


Tattoo Circus Helsinki collective has decided to postpone Tattoo Circus Helsinki 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.


We are looking into possibilities to arrange the event in autumn. You are still invited to the event whenever it will take place and we will get back to you when we have more information.

A near-global pandemic is now evident. However, how fast and aggressive the outbreak will be, will affect how many people in critical condition will be getting crucial medical attention. As a collective, we encourage everyone to take care and act responsibly by taking measures to slow down the spreading of the epidemy. Flattening the curve” in this context means that a large number of future infections will be distributed along a longer time period so that all those in critical condition and need of hospitalcare can hopefully get the necessary treatment within limited healthcare resources. Members of the capitalist elite who disregard these statistics and put breaks on serious responses to this health crisis are doing so to protect profits over people’s lives.

How everyone can impact the spread of the disease is to avoid crowds and gatherings and support each other from a distance: especially those left without basic income in this crisis and those who risk losing their lives if they get infected.

Those who work in the medical field, caregiving jobs, food supply chain, and basic infrastructure, need safe and non-crowded travel options to get to their workplaces. For this, it is especially important to sustain but not to crowd public transport, and save it for those who need it for others’ or their own wellbeing. Cycling, walking, and strolling in nature is a good option for those who need to spend time outside of the home to stay mentally together.

This is our ’absence is caring’ call-out on COVID19 and basic solidarity with the elderly, sick people, the homeless, refugees in camps and prisoners
, that have a high risk of getting exposed to the infection and who most likely will get the least support when in need. Obviously, our demands are to abolish all prisons and to open the borders.

We want to encourage everybody to focus on mutual aid work and to take this moment to reflect on how the responses to this crisis, widely displayed by the capitalist elite and governments, look like and how it will affect the societies ‘under’ them. Besides a severe death toll, we are certain that this will have an aftermath of an extreme economic crisis, that will (again) be affecting already marginalized groups of people the most and might be instrumentalized for just another jump to the extreme right. We assume that many governments are preparing counter-insurgency measures, as we speak. The time to organise is far from a hiatus. It’s time for our solidarity to become more practical on all levels, time for an anarchist approach.

Take care.

Tattoo Circus Helsinki collective

Artists 2020!

Time to announce an amazing line-up of tattoo artists joining us once again! ????????????


TALI BAAL (Helsinki)

Max Spoljaric (Helsinki)

Vega Hägglund (Helsinki)

Kuutti Kiperä (Tampere)


Olli (Helsinki)


Note that not all artists do customs, while some might be happy to create custom works at request (and charge some ???? for that worktime). And please keep in mind that each tattoo session should preferably be maximum 3 hours long, to give space for as many people as possible to get tattooed:)