8.-10.5.2020 @Oranssi, Suvilahti

What is Tattoo Circus? 

Tattoo Circus is an annual, 3-day-long tattoo convention and solidarity event.

All profits from tattoos and other fundraisings go directly to anti-repression work and supporting political prisoners.

Every year, Tattoo Circus Helsinki gathers an amazing and talented line-up of tattoo artists, from near and far, to contribute their time, work and skills to this cause. In addition, this event is made possible with the generous help and contributions from many other artists, performers, collectives and other crew.

The Prison-Industrial Complex deals with isolation but it is not isolated.

The Prison-Industrial Complex is connected to and thrives off racism, colonial exploitation, militarisation, patriarchy and capitalism.

Tattoo Circus Helsinki is not a single-issue struggle. We are a radical community event seeking to inspire and provide space for organising against repression and prison culture in all its forms.

It is our hope that Tattoo Circus Helsinki can be a space for learning, coming together and strenthgening a culture of solidarity, diversity, mutual-aid, trust and liberatory practices.

In Tattoo Circus Helsinki you can:

  • be tattooed by amazing artists (TBA soon)
  • enjoy performaces and other program
  • find books and zines from local distros
  • write letters to political prisoners
  • hear talks about anti-repression struggles
  • get updates on solidarity campaigns
  • help out by joining the volunteer crew


Against prisons – towards a more accountable future



Time to announce our Guest Tattoo Artists of 2019! Hooray!

We are beyond happy to have such an amazing line-up of tattoo artists joining us once again! We missed the old faces and can’t wait to meet the new ones.

Check out the supacool artists of Helsinki Tattoo Circus 2019 below and on the artists’ pages! ????????

Reservation books are also now open. So you, dear soli-customer, are officially allowed to email/ DM /smoke signal the artists about available times and tattoo requests…

email: tattooanti@gmail.com

email: shiftynewton@gmail.com

email: haley.lykantropia@gmail.com

email: kuutti.kipera@gmail.com

email: miezwars@web.de

TALI BAAL (Helsinki)
email: tali_baal@outlook.com

email: rootsandwings@riseup.net

email: zarina.jes@gmail.com

Note that not all artists do customs, while some might be happy to create custom works at request (and charge some ???? for that worktime). And please keep in mind that each tattoo session should preferably be maximum 3 hours long, to give space for as many people as possible to get tattooed:)


Hurraa! On aika julkistaa vuoden 2019 tatuoijat!
Vanhoja tuttuja oli jo ikävä, ja uusien tapaamista odotellaan suurella innolla. Tämän(kin) vuoden kokoonpano on niin upea että itku tulee ????????

Täten varauskirjat ovat virallisesti auenneet, bäng! Nyt saa siis ihan luvan kanssa ottaa yhteyttä myös tatskaajiin, esittää tyhmiä ja viisaita kysymyksiä ja tiedustella vapaita aikoja.

Vapaita flasheja ja lisäinfoa tatuoijista julkaistaan pian ja nopealla syötöllä. Kannattaa siis pysyä kuulolla, ottaa viidakkopuhelin kauniiseen käteen ja kilauttaa kaverillekin! ????????

Huom! Kaikki tatuoijat eivät tee custom-kuvia; silloin kannattaa kärkkyä vapaana olevia luonnoksia ja flasheja. Toiset taas piirtävät custom-kuvia mielellään (usein pientä korvausta vastaan). Otathan myös huomioon, että tatskan tekemisen ihanteellinen kesto on korkeintaan kolme tuntia: näin mahdollisimman moni innokas ehtii neulan alle 10.-12.5.

Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity: greetings and resources

A week has past from our small collective effort on Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity. Big thanks to all who participated in Helsinki or elsewhere!

Whether you took part in an event or on your own, or missed the date this year, 22 January is not the only day you can send supportive mail to political prisoners. Below are gathered some links to letter-writing resources: we hope you find them useful throughout the year.

Letter writing about to begin. 22 January 2019.

Transgender political prisoners listed in the campaign (currently only US prisoners):

Under the Resources section you can also find links to a bunch of insightful projects and initiatives working towards prison-abolition and ending repression. As for writing guidelines, note that they are US-specific and other in other places policies might differ.

Excellent resource by Brighton Anarchist Black Cross on writing to prisoners, as well as other ways of supporting them. In addition to info about policies in the UK prisons, there are good general tips for getting started. You can also download and print the leaflet-version for your social space, distro or future events!

Note that in Russia, Belarus and many other countries, letters written in English might not get passed on to the prisoners. Generally this goes for many places where English is not widely understood, since the prison staff cannot scan the content.

Other political prisoner lists:

List by Brighton ABC:

Earth First! Prisoner Support Project is on eco-prisoners, caged animal liberationists and prisoners of indigenous land struggles, who share an Earth First! bio-centric viewpoint, either in the actions which led to their arrest or in their general activism. In addition, Earth First maintains a list for political prisoners of allied struggles.

Resources and both prisoner lists can be found in https://earthfirstjournal.org/prisoners

Eule (“Owl”)

In fall 2018, after months in custody, Eule was sentenced with 9 months of imprisonment without parole for accused actions in the Hambach forest occupation. ”Owl” refused to identify themselves in custody and court, and is thus referred to by court as Unbekannte Person Aachen 8 or UP III.

You can write Eule in English or German. Pamphlets, zines, magazines and xerox copies are allowed, too. Books can be photocopied and sent as individual sheets of paper; also “installments” of cut-out pages from books are okay. Document and index everything that you send and include dates both for your records and in the correspondence.

Address to write to Eule:

unbekannte Person Aachen 8
JVA Köln,
Rochusstraße 350,
50827 Köln

[This post lifted from PinkkiMusta blog, thank you!]

Welcome to Tattoo Circus Helsinki 2018

-Tatuointeja – Tarot-kortteja – Musiikkia – Distroja – Keskusteluja-

Tule Tattoo Circukseen 13.-15.4.: Tue vangittuja & ota tatska!
Oranssi, Kaasutehtaankatu 1 (rakennus 11), Suvilahti, Helsinki

Tattoo Circus tulee nyt kolmannen kerran Helsinkiin! Vuosittainen tapahtuma järjestettiin täällä ensimmäistä kertaa keväällä 2016. Eri Euroopan kaupungeissa Tattoo Circus -tapahtumia on kuitenkin järjestetty jo vuodesta 2007 lähtien. Tapahtumassa on tatuointien lisäksi vankila- ja sirkusteeman ympärille rakennettu ohjelma, joka kutsuu osallistumaan! Tänä vuonna ohjelmassa on mm. sirkusta, tarot-työpaja, bingoa, hiustyöpaja ja paljon muuta. Lisäksi ohjelmaa täyttävät musiikkiesitykset sekä erilaiset keskustelut ja alustukset poliittisten vankien tilanteesta ympäri maailmaa. Ja tietenkin festivaalin aikana on mahdollista ottaa tatuointi sekä kirjoittaa postikortteja ja kirjeitä poliittisten vankien tukemiseksi.

Ota yhteyttä: tattoocircushki[at]riseup.net

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 -Benefit – Tattoos – Food – Tarot Cards – Music – Distros – Talks-

Come to the Tattoo Circus 13-15.4 to support prisoners and get inked!
Oranssi, Kaasutehtaankatu 1 (building 11), Suvilahti, Helsinki

Tattoo Circus arrives to Helsinki third time! Annual prisoner support event and -festival was organised first time here in spring 2016. In different European cities Tattoo Circus have been organised already since 2007. Tattoo Circus is not limited to tattoo culture only, but provides a great program related to prison and circus themes which invites everyone to participate. The program this year features circus, tarot workshop, bingo, hairdo workshop, to mention few. There will be music performances and discussions and introductions of situations of political prisoners around the world. And of course the festival will feature tattoo artist ready to give you a tattoo in support of political prisoners! We will also send postcards and letters to prisoners to support them.

Contact us: tattoocircushki[at]riseup.net